Domestic Violence / Restraining Orders

Our firm represents clients located in and around Hoboken, Hudson County, New Jersey in many matters of domestic violence, focusing on the unique needs of each client.
Domestic violence exists where, in any relationship (e.g., between sexual partners, family members, or people who live or have lived together), where a person causes bodily injury, sexually assaults, threatens, harasses, destroys personal property, or disturbs the peace of another.
If you are a victim of such domestic violence or emotional abuse, the Law Office of Frank Marciano can help you obtain a “kick-out” or restraining order. A restraining order may direct the named party not to approach you, your home, work, or vehicle, and may prohibit any efforts to communicate with you, or to transfer money or other property. For more detailed information please read this overview of Domestic Violence Court Procedures.
Time is of the essence when seeking a domestic violence restraining order. In all domestic violence matters, we will do all we can to resolve such very personal and often painful legal matters as quickly and sensitively as possible.
To set up a consultation concerning any domestic violence / restraining orders matter, contact us online or call us at 201.656.1000.