Condo Association Issues

Before anything else, Be sure your condominium association has enough insurance, and make sure each owner has their own insurance. I have been involved in lawsuits where fires occur and there is not enough insurance to make all the necessary repairs. It is a very sad and difficult situation to be in, so take this free advice and remember that an ounce of prevention is a whole lot better than a ton of legal bills. For a good source of information on homeowners insurance, please click here to go to Muller’s Insurance, who has been helping those in the Hoboken area with insurance issues for over 100 years.
If you are a condo owner or are serving as a director, I have the experience to handle problems and disputes that can occur. Some of the issues that arise that I can help with are:
- Common expense assessments
- Filing liens and collecting on unpaid maintenance fees
- Attendance at meetings when unique condo issues may be discussed
- General help in enforcing and or modifying condo bylaws and rules and regulations
- Help with outside contractors in preparing contracts and litigation if things go wrong
- Owners rights/financial disclosure (as stated in the Condominium Act)
For an overview on the rights and regulations of a homeowner, please click here to go to the New Jersey Bureau of Homeowner Protection website. The website covers in depth the New Jersey Condominium Act (which outlines what an association is responsible for), in which the following topics are discussed in detail:
- Access to financial records (maintaining accounting records and allowing owners to
- Alternative dispute resolution (“fair and efficient” means to resolve disputes)
- Open public meetings (posted/written, and advanced notice to the public)
I also recommend that Condominium Associations establish a website, or at least a password protected free web space like to post important documents online so that they are easily accessible to all condo owners. For help in setting up such a system please call my office.
To set up a consultation concerning any condo association issue, contact us online or call us at at 201.656.1000.