Estate Planning & Wills

When people begin the process of Estate Planning, many of them are unsure as to whether (and if so, when) they should seek the advice of a lawyer. If you own property, have children, were recently married or divorced, or wish to make a special bequest to a friend or relative, you should make or update your will. The Law Office of Frank Marciano can insure that your property is distributed according to your wishes.
You may be able to avoid probate by setting up a living trust. Like a will, a living trust describes what happens to your property in the event of your death. While you are alive, you remain in control and have the power to change the trust at any time. Setting up a living trust allows you to avoid the expense and long delays of probate and may even save you money on taxes. Talk with us to see if this might be an option available to you.
Another important reason to meet with an estate planning lawyer is to set forth your wishes and directives regarding your health care and finances in a legal document. In the event you are rendered unconscious or otherwise unable to state your wishes, this document will be critical. We can help you draft medical powers of attorney, living wills, and financial powers of attorney – an appointment that can help your family and medical providers make important decisions if you are unable to do so.
To set up a consultation concerning any estate planning or will matter, contact us online or call us at 201.656.1000.