
There are different kinds of adoption procedures in New Jersey. Most adoptions are done though official agencies where the child has already gone through a termination of parental rights and is under the care of the appropriate State or County Agency. Our law office does not do this kind of adoption.
We have successfully represented clients in independent adoptions, where a mother decides to give the child up for adoption to a specific person who is not related by blood.
We have also represented clients who have formally adopted children under their care because of a marriage step-parent adoption or because of abandonment, death or neglect from birth parents or when a family member adopts the child.
We have represented clients in Adult Adoptions, where for various reasons, including rights to inherit, one adult will adopt another adult. Usually the adult being adopted is much younger than the other and have had a parent-child relationship such as a step child, and the estranged parent would not consent to an adoption. So when the child becomes of legal age they no longer need the estranged biological parents consent to be adopted.
We have done single parent adoptions and have worked with same-sex couples in the adoption process. It is more common for one partner to adopt and then for the second to apply as the second parent, or co-parent. Second parent adoptions create a second legally recognized parent for the adoptive children. This is the only way for same-sex couples to both become legal parents of their children.
In all of these situations the Courts of New Jersey are actively involved in the process to insure that the adopted child’s interest is protected.
Adoptions are joyous, time consuming matters. To take on the responsibility of another life is an awesome challenge and we salute every person who is willing to reach out and love someone. However, understand that adoption is a very stressful process. We provide clients with an environment that is supportive of their needs as they work through the adoption process, understanding the high degree of sensitivity which is critical to the many complex and emotional issues involved with adoption.
To set up a consultation concerning any adoption matter, contact us online or call us at 201.656.1000.